Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 1 - The Leaning Tower

I thought I'd start today with a bang - maybe a nice morning sprint or a class at Goodlife with Danya, a friend and classmate who loves Body Attack.

Lucky step machine penny = good omen?

By the time I left work, however, it was clear that that was not going to happen. I had a headache and was desperate for a half-hour nap after a terrible night's sleep (maybe I was subconsciously worried about starting my 365 days last night...). By the time choir practice rolled around, it was clear that I would have to suck it up and do a quick workout at the school gym...

First sweat! I climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa...and then kept climbing. I did thirty minutes in total, and I'm going to assume that my unfamiliarity with the step machine had a lot to do with why I felt I could barely keep going by the time I'd done just 15 minutes. I really had to push through that second half!

So it was a small workout, but I don't feel bad because I know I'll be working out tomorrow as well.

27 pounds ago! (photo by the talented John Xu)

Oh! And I weighed myself at the gym. I weight 153 pounds, which may not sound great to some of the more slender 5'3"ers out there, but it means I've lost 27 pounds in the past year! I'm just three pounds away from losing 30 pounds in 2012, and just over ten pounds away from my pre-med-school weight. Mind you, I was a lot more muscular before I started med school, but I plan to be pretty muscular when this year is up...

- Sarah


  1. Hi Sarah!!
    This is a wonderful idea!! Can I remotely join? (although I am late to the party!) Its tough being a health professional and fitting exercise into my day can be such a pain in the bun, maybe having other people to report to will make it easier!
    Anyway, my plan is to hit the gym today for some weight training. I try to do that once a week at least.

    oh this is Purva btw :)

  2. Yes, you can join remotely! If you send your email address to me (maybe on facebook?) I can add you as an author and you can contribute to the blog. I'm sure that knowing there is another busy health care provider taking part will give me that extra little bit of motivation to continue...
