Friday, November 30, 2012

What have I gotten myself into?!

Sarah suggested we all introduce ourselves. Now that I am done with paper, etc, I now have time! So, where to begin...
I was inspired by a post on the Lulu Lemon website (this one) about a woman who exercised for 365 days. In. a. row. At first it sounded like a great challenge! Yeah, I could do this! I mean, I work out a lot anyways, right? Wrong. I don't go to the gym or sweat everyday. Some days it takes me 15 extra minutes to just get out of bed! This is one of those things you think is really cool and fun at first and then after you decide to do it you realize it may be impossible. Luckily, I have a great team for support and I am not doing it alone! Together we will sweat for 365 days :)
I was never very active as kid. I did the usual extra-curriculars like soccer, dance, school sports, but I never really excelled at any. Then I found Highland Dancing. Call me weird, but it clicked. I was competitive for 11 years and have been recreational for the last 3. Now that I live in Kelowna, I'm not dancing as I haven't found a school to join. I miss it, but finding time to get to practise is tough. Other then that, I got really into running about 5 years ago. I then started going to the gym quite regularly. In the last 6 months or so, I have started to train seriously and I want to do at least 2 half marathons and a triathlon before the end of 2013. I think this crazy challenge will help me achieve those goals! It would also be pretty cool to reach my weight goals, as well.
I have a couple personal rules about this challenge, though. The "sweat session" has to be at least 30 minuted in length. I know I shouldn't be putting a time limit on it as I will do doing it every day, but you need at least 30 minutes to improve your fitness level over the long run. The other is that my workout for the day can't be sometime I would do regardless. I usually break a sweat walking up the hill from my car to class. Its a long hill and if I wear too many layers, I get hot. This doesn't count. It has to be 30 minutes out of my day for myself. Other then that, the opportunities are endless! Hopefully I can try new things to change it up a little.
A whole year. I have never committed to anything for that long. Ever. I don't really know what I have gotten myself in to, but I am excited. Bring on Monday! It's time to make exercise a priority instead of a burden.

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