Tuesday, November 27, 2012

So what's going on here, anyway?

Katelyn, Nicole, and I were inspired by this post to sweat for 365 days. Our start date is this coming Monday, December 2nd.

Um...what does that mean?

We're about to find out. The idea is to incorporate physical activity into every day, no matter how busy, tired, or lazy we find ourselves. Some days, that may mean running 20k, and others it may mean forcing ourselves out of our respective apartments for a walk or a low-key yoga session. It sounds so simple right now, but when I think about all the times I've stayed in because I was tired, had a long day, or didn't like the weather outside, it feels pretty daunting...

How much do you need to sweat each day?

There's no minimum. In Nicole's words: You just have to sweat! A 45 min walk, slow yoga, HIIT or a 10km run all count. It's more about committing to an active lifestyle, not the number of minutes you sweat for!

Are you crazy?

Yes, probably. But it's a good crazy.

Why are you doing this?

With all the benefits of physical activity - increasing cardiovascular fitness, avoiding diabetes, and maintaining a healthy body weight among them - why wouldn't we? The aim is to emerge in a year fitter, happier, and healthier.

See you on Monday!

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