Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 50- Yay!

This is it, folks! Today is day 50! We are half way to day 100, just under 1/5 of the way through this challenge. Time is literally flying by! It's almost the end of January and before we know it, the semester will be over. Wow, then it's one more year until freedom (sort of...)!
Day's 49 and 50 have been less then stellar on the exercise scale, but let's jump back to day 48 when I was actually productive... Saturday started off with a bang! Back to back classes at the gym. Sounds like a good idea, right? Wrong. I am sick. At the time of signing up for the classes I had a bit of a sniffle, but it wasn't a big deal. Saturday morning came along and I was feeling pretty rough. Regardless of my new germy friend, I made it to the gym and got a place in the spin class. It pretty much went downhill from there. For the first half I couldn't breathe and was convinced I was going to die. Half way through I decided to suck it up and finish the class because I have an incredibly competitive personality! I wasn't going to let some cold ruin my workout! I am glad that I stuck it out because it improved and I survived. Spin was quickly followed by SST (no idea what it means). This was a lot less cardio based and much more focussed on weight training. A nice follow-up and I felt great after the classes!
Obama was sworn in on Day 50!
Yesterday, Day 49, I woke up with the full-blown cold. I was supposed to go to yoga that morning, but decided not to on account of my lack of sleep and my nose acting like a broken faucet. Instead I spent the morning in bed and the afternoon working on my chemistry lab. The best way to spend a Sunday, if you ask me! What did I do for exercise? Very little! Some stretching (I was sore from the classes on saturday) and a lot of laying down. Today, I am much worse then yesterday having not slept for 3 days now. Today will also involve some light stretching and perhaps some squats. I downloaded a new app onto my phone as I have no butt and it promised me a "bubble butt" by summer! Not 100% sure what a bubble butt is, but its better then no butt at all!
My apologies for my rare appearances on this blog. By the end of the day the last thing I want to do it write about it! I will try harder, I promise! I also haven't been reaching my 30 mins a day either. For that, I make no promises, but I have exercised 50 days in a row, though! Until next time... (it may be a while).


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