Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 6 - A Walk in the Park. After Dark. On a Lark.

Yesterday Katie and I spend the whole day locked up in NMB with stats books (her) and psych books (me), and some order-in sushi to help us power through a long day of studying. We celebrated our domination over our respective subject areas (or at least our semi-peaceably co-existing with them for several hours) with a trip to Windmills, where I filled up on tofu, wine, and creme brulee. We arrived back at my place around 11 p.m., and I sprawled out on the Laz-E-Boy and spoke kind worse to my full stomach in the hopes that it would digest a little faster so I could put on my running gear and run a quick 3 or 4 k. 

When that didn't work as well as I was hoping it would, Katie suggested a brisk walk. So I threw on this playlist, and walked for about an hour, not really sweating much, but at least digesting a little of my food. Katie digested at home, which wasn't such a terrible idea, either...


  1. Amy said she couldn't believe I came all the way to Kingston to talk you out of physical activity.

    I would like to argue that I facilitated it, and pat myself on the back.

    1. I'm slightly offended that Amy thinks there is a way to talk me out of physical activity. She should know better! It was going to happen either way, and you just wisely moderated me.
