Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Days 50 and 51 - What have you done for me lately?

This is 365 Days of Sweat: Feeling Rough Edition.

I haven't been getting quite enough sleep recently, and this has apparently made my belly one unhappy being. Ever get that nauseated feeling when you're way overtired? I took it one step further today and was actually sick to my stomach. I think it is fatigue in its purest form.

I had hoped to complete a 10k training run on Day 50, but when I got to the gym it quickly became obvious that I had unwittingly picked the busiest time of day during the busiest month of the year to visit Hart House. As a result, I had to actually stick to the posted time limit and ended up doing a short and speedy run that had me sweating like crazy.

On Day 51, yesterday, I actually got around to completing my 10k. Randi had a complimentary guest pass for Extreme Fitness, which she recently joined. The gym was practically empty, so I ran a happy little 10k, hogging a treadmill for just over an hour. Even though I wouldn't strictly call this a long run, it is the longest I had run in a while, and I think my legs were happy to get moving again. I find that I really start to feel warmed up around 7k, so if I keep my runs short I never get to that nice place where my lungs feel big and my legs feel strong.

Today, Day 52, I will probably stick to some stretching, recognising the fact that my stomach still isn't feeling great and my legs are a little worn out from yesterday.
Friendimal feet at the gym.

In honour of Day 50, though, I thought it would be nice to reflect on what this challenge has and has not done for me so far:

I have not become a machine. I continue to have days where I lack motivation and would avoid doing any physical activity were I to give myself the option. Motivation isn't a given.

I have become more likely to generate motivation when I need to. I may still drag my feet heading out the door on some days, but I willingly walk frequently (and briskly!), even if I've already done my physical activity for the day. I think that physical activity is becoming increasingly routine, and it's making me generally less lazy, even if I do have days when I don't feel like doing anything.

I have not lost much weight. In fact, I've probably only lost 2-3 pounds since starting the challenge almost two months ago.

I immediately devoured all these calories in a Quesada burrito.
I have built muscle. It's nice to feel my newly-re-sprouted quadriceps muscles through my tights and know that I got them through hard work, including lots of running and walking even when I haven't felt like doing anything. It's the sort of thing that keeps me going on days when I really don't want to tie up my running shoes, put on my swim cap, or roll out my yoga mat.

I have not shed all my insecurities. I still feel a little too heavy, a little too flabby, and not quite as athletic as I want to be.

I have become more confident. Yesterday, I ran indoors in my outdoor running tights. I never would have done that in the past, for fear of looking ridiculous. As if running tights don't look ridiculous regardless of where you wear them. But I had planned to run outside (Toronto's incredible cold snap had not set in by the time I left the house in the morning) and I hadn't brought any indoor workout gear. I didn't feel stupid. I am fit and committed to getting physical activity in, and I couldn't care less about people who might have thought I looked silly as I left them in my treadmill dust.
Randi looks better sweaty than I do.
I guess you could say I feel pretty satisfied with how things have been shaping up.

(Pun intended.)

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